
Family celebrating Christmas
Parenting Post-Adopted YouthTrauma-Informed

Supporting Post-Adopted Youth During the Holidays

Celebrating winter holidays can bring up difficult feelings for post-adopted youth....
happy family
High Fidelity WraparoundTrauma-Informed

How Family Voice and Choice Drive Wraparound Success

High-Fidelity Wraparound is a strengths-based, family-driven and team-based approach...
girl hugging duckling
Parenting Post-Adopted YouthResourcesTrauma-Informed

Attachment Parenting with Adopted Kids

For families who have adopted children—particularly those from foster care—...
pink and blue sky
Health & WellnessOur ServicesResources

Nurturing Emotional Wellness Through Alternative Therapies

What is Emotional Wellness?Emotional wellness refers to a person’s ability to...
A dirt trail in a green forest
Health & Wellness

Incorporating the Healing Power of Nature Into Self-Care

The healing power of nature is being studied more and more amidst rising rates of...
Teens sitting in a classroom
Parenting Post-Adopted Youth

Back to School: Navigating the Special Challenges Post-adopted Youth Might Face

Back to school time can be a challenging period for post-adopted youth. While their...
creative art supplies
Parenting Post-Adopted Youth

Cultivating Creativity in Teens

Engaging in creativity helps teens learn about themselves, empathize with others and...
sunglasses on beach sand on a sunny day
Parenting Post-Adopted Youth

​​How to Help Your Teen Plan Their Summer

Summer is a season of freedom and opportunity, especially for teenagers. It’s a time...
High Fidelity Wraparound

Strengths-Based Practices in High Fidelity Wraparound

The Wraparound process and the Wraparound plan identify, build on, and enhance the...
Teen with therapist
High Fidelity Wraparound

Navigating Teen Resistance To Therapy

The teenage years can be marked by a whirlwind of conflict, transitions, and...
Diverse group of people sitting in circle in group therapy session.
Social Emotional Skills

Teaching and Learning Empathy

Empathy is the capacity to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves...
Parenting Post-Adopted Youth

Plan a Spring Break Staycation for Teens and Tweens

Spring break is just around the corner, and while traveling might not be an option,...