
​​How to Help Your Teen Plan Their Summer

Summer is a season of freedom and opportunity, especially for teenagers. It’s a time to relax, explore new interests, and prepare for the future. However, without a plan, the summer months can quickly slip away. As a parent, you can help your teen make the most of their summer by guiding them through a planning process. Here are some tips to help you (and them) get started.

Create a vision board

Creating a vision board can be not only a fun activity but also a powerful motivator. It helps your teen focus on what they want to achieve and reminds them of their goals every time they look at it. Start by discussing with your teen what they want to achieve or experience over the summer. This could include personal goals, new skills they want to learn, places they want to visit, or even how they want to feel. Encourage your teen to review their vision board periodically throughout the summer. They might want to add new goals, adjust existing ones, or celebrate achieved milestones. This keeps the vision board dynamic and reflective of their evolving interests and accomplishments.

Vision boards can be sketched, collaged, or be created digitally. A free Canva account provides access to many vision board templates.

Set Goals and Build a Routine

Goals can range from personal interests, such as learning a new skill, accomplishing something, or even preparing for the next school year. Building a routine can help limit screentime, provide an opportunity to practice self-discipline, and ensure a variety of activities throughout each week including down time, outdoor adventures, and time for relaxation.

Free printable planner templates can be found on Canva and Day Designer

The goal is to strike a balance between structure and freedom, ensuring that your teen enjoys their summer while also making meaningful progress towards their goals.
vision boards

Develop a Hobby

If your teen is resistant to arts & crafts projects like making a vision board, and also resistant to setting firm goals, loosen up the concept of a plan and encourage them to dive in to a new hobby. Having a fun hobby can be a welcome escape from expectations and provide an opportunity to relax and re-energize. In addition, hobbies can improve life skills like time management, problem-solving, and decision-making. However, choosing a hobby can be a challenge in itself, so, we’ve created a list of ideas to get your teen started.

  • Photography
  • Cooking, baking, cake decorating
  • Podcasting, vlogging
  • Astronomy or stargazing
  • Learning a language
  • Fitness training, running
  • Pottery, ceramics
  • Investing
  • Coding & creating apps
  • Volunteering
  • Movie-making
  • Rock collecting
  • Nail art
  • Kayaking
  • Fostering animals
  • Rock climbing
  • Playing an instrument
  • Sewing, knitting, embroidery
  • DIY & upcycling clothes, decor, furniture
  • Gardening
  • Nature journaling


Hobby Ideas

Finally, be supportive and flexible throughout the summer. Plans can change, and it’s important to adapt to your teen’s evolving interests and needs. Offer guidance when needed, but also give them the space to take ownership of their summer plans.

By working together, you can help your teen have a summer that is both fun and fulfilling. Remember, the goal is to strike a balance between structure and freedom, ensuring that your teen enjoys their summer while also making meaningful progress towards their goals.


SOURCES: Rajamohan, Winona 2024. Youth Self Care Ideas For The Summer, MyGoodBrain. Raising Teens Today 2023. 70 Cool Hobbies For Teens That Aren’t Boring, Raising Teens Today. Godman, Heidi 2024. Having a hobby tied to happiness and well-being, Harvard Health Publishing.