
How Family Voice and Choice Drive Wraparound Success

High-Fidelity Wraparound is a strengths-based, family-driven and team-based approach that provides care services for post-adopted youth and their families. Central to the Wraparound process is the involvement of families as equal partners in identifying needs, setting goals, and planning and implementing services. Family viewpoints are elicited and prioritized during all phases of the Wraparound process. The other team members partner with the family to create options that reflect the culture, values, and preferences of the family.

Key Principles of Family Voice and Choice in Wraparound

Collaborative Decision-Making: In Wraparound, families work collaboratively with service providers, professionals, and other team members to make decisions that affect their lives. This collaborative approach ensures that families’ perspectives, insights, and preferences are valued and integrated into the planning process.

Individualized Planning: Wraparound plans are individualized to meet the unique needs and goals of each family. By actively involving families in the planning process, practitioners can tailor services and supports to align with families’ strengths, values, and cultural backgrounds.

Flexible Services: Wraparound services are flexible and responsive to families’ changing needs and circumstances. Family voice and choice empower families to advocate for the types of services, interventions, and supports that best meet their needs, preferences, and goals.

Strengths-Based Approach: Family voice and choice align with the strengths-based philosophy of Wraparound, which emphasizes building upon families’ inherent strengths and resources. By recognizing families’ capabilities and empowering them to play an active role in decision-making, practitioners can promote resilience, self-efficacy, and positive outcomes.

Benefits of Family Voice and Choice in High-Fidelity Wraparound

Increased Engagement: When families feel heard, respected, and valued, they are more likely to engage actively in the Wraparound process and take ownership of their goals and plans.

Enhanced Collaboration: Family voice and choice foster a sense of partnership and collaboration between families and service providers, leading to more effective communication, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Improved Outcomes: Research has shown that Wraparound interventions guided by family voice and choice result in improved outcomes, including increased family satisfaction, enhanced family functioning, and greater long-term success.

By integrating family-driven insights and respecting the family’s decision-making role, care plans are not only personalized but also more effective and sustainable. Robust family engagement leads to stronger networks and ensures that services align with family needs, paving the way for lasting positive change in High-Fidelity Wraparound care.

Family Voice and Choice in the High-Fidelity Wraparound Process

What does “family voice and choice” mean in Wraparound services?
“Family voice and choice” in Wraparound services refers to the principle that emphasizes the active participation and decision-making role of families in planning and implementing their care for a holistic, needs-driven approach.

How do Wraparound services impact family-driven outcomes?
Wraparound services significantly enhance family outcomes by ensuring holistic support that addresses educational, emotional, and health needs, fostering a sustainable environment for familial success and empowerment.

What are the core principles of High-Fidelity Wraparound?
High-fidelity Wraparound is a comprehensive, holistic planning process that revolves around ten core principles including family voice and choice, team-based, natural supports, and collaboration across systems, ensuring individualized care coordination for families facing complex challenges.

What strategies enhance family participation in Wraparound?
Effective strategies for enhancing family participation in Wraparound include developing trust through active listening, flexible scheduling to accommodate families’ time constraints, and setting clear, attainable goals to ensure mutual understanding and commitment.


SOURCES: 1 National Wraparound Initiative. The Wraparound Process User’s Guide – A Handbook for Families
2 National Center for Pyramid Model Innovation 2024. Family Voice and Choice in the Individualized Behavior Support Process.
3 Lotz, Dan. Dec 2021. Positive Education Program .Ten Principles of High-Fidelity Wraparound